A Bad Monkey with a Good Haircut
Its all glamour and glitz in the bubble machine
Livin' the good life, chasing the dream
But, we've mortgaged the future, cut the trees
As the world burns, humanity flees
The queen wears a codpiece, the jester a crown
Its the same old circus, just different clowns
Catch a falling star, you might go far
Catch a falling knife, pay the price
When Karma comes it'll be too late
You've long before sealed your fate
No matter how good you think she looks
She's still a bad monkey ...
With a good haircut
Beat the drum for your righteous cause
You can even protest Santa Claus
Preach to the choir, be a climate denier
The buck stops somewhere else
Its not my fault doesn't go very far
When you've got your hand in the cookie jar
Catch a falling star, it'll take you far
Catch a falling knife, you'd better think twice
When Karma comes, you won't escape
What you've wrought, will determine your fate
No matter how good you think she looks
She's still a bad monkey ...
With a good haircut
Designer genes, frankenfish
(Sh)meat grown in a petri dish
A fridge and car that spy on you
AI ... is coming for you next
We're dogs of war, feral man
They're building ... the ... Terminator ...
I submit, I give up, let me pee in the Dixie cup
Just give me the implant, I think I'm ready ...
Catch a falling star it'll take you far
Catch a falling knife its the spice of life
When Karma comes you'll jump for joy
It'll be just like Christmas, when you got a new toy
Its really amazing how great she looks
She's a fine looking monkey ...
With a new haircut
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